by GamerPirate



Presenting HYPERSHAPE, based on an old arcade game I made back in 2016. Your goal is to throw all the arrows you have to the core, if you miss by throwing an arrow onto an existing arrow you fail, easy as that.[WARNING: Hardcore Edition consists of 1000 hardcore levels which are not made for rookies, if you are not ready you can try the first edition first]DARK THEMEDDark themed design thats easier for the eyes and looks modern.1000 HARDCORE LEVELSUnique hardcore levels, difficulty increases even more as you progress.HARDCOREThis edition is hardcore which is not meant to be played for rookies.Features:• 1000 Levels• Dark themed• Clean look• High quality sounds• Offline gameplayAny suggestions to make HYPERSHAPE better are much appreciated and will be taking into consideration!